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Andreas Schär 2-o'rinli tarozi 20kg JWM ITALY 2023

Andreas Schär 2-o'rinli tarozi 20kg JWM ITALY 2023
Andreas Schär Italiyaning Rivanazzano shahrida bo'lib o'tgan 14-Jet World Masters musobaqasida 2 kg vazn toifasida ajoyib 20-o'rinni egalladi. 2kg vazn toifasida 20-o'rin 1-o'rin eng yaxshi uchuvchi 1-o'rin davlatlar reytingida 2-o'rin vintage jet

Videodan: RC nuessgi22 Markus Nussbaumer

Rivanazzano JWM 10 Italiyada Vektorli turbinali RC Jet J-2023 B Super Aerobatic

Rivanazzano JWM 10 Italiyada Vektorli turbinali RC Jet J-2023 B Super Aerobatic
Rivanazzano/Italiya JWM 2023 Yakshanba RC Modellar namoyishi.!! KO'PROQ ★ RC JET'S ★, BU YERNI BOSING: RC J10-B 2.84 m (112″ yonilg'i baki, yoqilg'i baki, UATth, UATthrust) yonilg'i bakining shamollatgichi, servo uzatma simi, apparat. Tormozli elektr orqaga tortuvchi mexanizm 3D reaktiv qiroli bo'lishni istasangiz, sizga J10 Vector thrust Engine RC Jet kerak bo'ladi..!! Dunyoga mashhur...

Video: RCHeliJet

Hans Wüthrich Turboprop PC-21 JWM ITALY 2023

Hans Wüthrich Turboprop PC-21 JWM ITALY 2023
Hans Vütrix Italiyaning Rivanazzano shahrida boʻlib oʻtgan Jet World Masters 3 musobaqasida Turbopropning yangi toifasida 2023-oʻrin. PILATUS PC-21: Skymaster shkalasi 1:4 qanot kengligi: 2288 mm uzunlik: 2850 mm

Videodan: RC nuessgi22 Markus Nussbaumer

10 metrli RC Concorde aylanishni amalga oshiring!!!

10 metrli RC Concorde aylanishni amalga oshiring!!!
Italiya Rivanazzano 2023 Avgust Otto Videlroiterdan 10 metrlik Konkord bilan ajoyib parvoz, hozirda Brivanazzanoda Rivanazzanoda bo'lib o'tgan 14-Jet World Master-da Italiyadagi British Airways aviakompaniyasining liboslari tugagan. KO'PROQ RC HAVOLAT, BU YERNI BOSING: Otto Widlroither tomonidan qurilgan Model ma'lumotlari: Qanot kengligi: 4 metr Uzunligi: 10 g : 1.85x JetCat P149 Pro...

Video: RCHeliJet

Adrian Senn g'olib tarozi 15 kg JET WORLD MASTERS ITALY 2023

Adrian Senn g'olib tarozi 15 kg JET WORLD MASTERS ITALY 2023
Adrian Senn Italiyaning Rivanazzano shahrida o'tkazilgan 14-Jet World Masters musobaqasida 15 kg vazn toifasida g'olib chiqdi. 1 kg gacha bo'lgan modellar uchun 15-o'rin 1-o'rin Millatlar tasnifi 1-o'rin Jamoa reytingi 1-o'rin Vintage Jet

Videodan: RC nuessgi22 Markus Nussbaumer

Aeroclub Rheidt 1969 e.V. - Impressionen F-Schlepp Meeting Teil II

Aeroclub Rheidt 1969 e.V. - Impressionen F-Schlepp Meeting Teil II
ACRda F-towing do'stlari uchun qulay uchrashuv. Mana yakshanba kunidan bir nechta suratlar.

Video muallifi: 777BlueAngel

Aeroclub Rheidt 1969 e.V. - Impressionen F-Schlepp Meeting Teil I

Aeroclub Rheidt 1969 e.V. - Impressionen F-Schlepp Meeting Teil I
ACRda F-towing do'stlari uchun qulay uchrashuv. Afsuski, men tushdan keyingacha suratga ololmadim va ko'plab uchuvchilar allaqachon demontaj qilishayotgan edi ...

Video muallifi: 777BlueAngel

Massiv RC Fiat G.91 Mark Petrak

Massiv RC Fiat G.91 Mark Petrak
Italy/Rivanazzano Jet World Master Championship 2023 Marc Petrak with a Fiat G.91 RC Turbine Model Jet Show flight, during the lunch Break, enjoy it. Model-Info Scale 1:2,7 Length: 3,90 meter Wingspan: 3,20 meter Weight: 56 Kg Turbine Engine: Jetcat P-400 Pro-LN MORE RC ★★★R/C Model JETs, enjoy it....★★★, CLICK HERE: THANKS to my Partner POWER-LIPOs: My social channels,follow me …

Video: RCHeliJet

Ajoyib ulkan 60 kg Lufthansa Dornier DO-X uchar qayig'i 1:10 RC modeli 12x 10cc OS dvigatelli

Ajoyib ulkan 60 kg Lufthansa Dornier DO-X uchar qayig'i 1:10 RC modeli 12x 10cc OS dvigatelli
#airlinermeeting Pilot: Michael Breuer Model: Dornier DO X Lufthansa (Complete self construction, wood construction) Scale: 1:10 Wingspan: 4,8 m Take-Off Weight: 60 kg Engine: 12x OS Motors with each 10ccm Event: Airlinermeeting Oppingen-AU 2022 watch in Full HD 60p More RC Model Videos on my Channel and Playlists like and subscribe @Chrissi RC

Videodan: Chrissi RC

Schwabmünchen 2023 - Segelflugmesse - Luftbilder Bernd Vonbank (Copyright) + Flug Gernot Bruckmann

Schwabmünchen 2023 - Segelflugmesse - Luftbilder Bernd Vonbank (Copyright) + Flug   Gernot Bruckmann
Anlässlich der Segelflugmesse Schabmünchen 2023 fertigte ich Luftbilder an, um den Umfang der Aussteller zu zeigen. Tolle Messe - Gratulation an die Veranstalter. (Copyright der Aufnahmen beachten - Freigabe nur mit schriftlicher Bestätigung - waren schon mal ohne Genehmigung auf YouTube - Copyright war nicht beachtet worden). Ausschnitte aus dem Programm von Gernot Bruckmann.

Videodan: RC Flight TV – Bernd Vonbank
Aerofly 8 va 9 uchun GPS uchburchak manzarasi, faqat Modellpilot.EU saytida.
Version 1.5.2

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